
Gather data and insights from your team on what went well, what could've gone better, and what everyone learned in retrospect.
Use Template
What will this use case accomplish?
Help employees discuss, understand, and learn from project results.
Why Is This Issue Important?
Employees are often understandably focused on current execution and day-to-day activities. Taking a pause to understand data and insights after a project has been completed can help teams understand how to move forward knowing how to avoid making repeat mistakes, and how to function more efficiently from learnings of the past.
How Will AllVoices Solve This Issue?
The AllVoices platform allows for confidential feedback providing employees with the opportunity to voice their feedback constructively and honestly. Without meaningful input from employees, key learnings, mistakes, and ideas often become missed learning opportunities.
Template Questions
  • In your opinion, do you believe this project operated successfully? Why or why not? (Short Answer)
  • What do you believe was the most successful part of this project? (Short Answer)
  • What do you believe was the largest area of improvement for this project? (Short Answer)
  • What was your largest blocker during this project? (Short Answer)
  • Do you believe the team communicated efficiently and cross-functionally? Why or why not? (Short Answer)
  • What learnings have you gained from this project that you will incorporate into the next? (Short Answer)
Employees are often understandably focused on current execution and day-to-day activities. Taking a pause to understand data and insights after a project has been completed can help teams understand how to move forward knowing how to avoid making repeat mistakes, and how to function more efficiently from learnings of the past.
Help employees discuss, understand, and learn from project results.
Template Questions