Employee Engagement Calculator

Calculating ROI of Employee Engagement

This calculator helps you determine the ROI of maintaining engaged employees by taking into account variables such as the cost of disengaged employees, the cost of lost productivity, and the potential increase in revenue from more engaged employees.

Employee Engagement Calculator
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Estimated Annual
Savings with AllVoices


Number of Employees


× Average Annual Employee Salary


× Productivity Gain

5% of Salary

Total Productivity Savings


Number of Employees


× Average Annual Employee Salary


÷ Workdays Per Year

240 Workdays

× Number of Days of Less Absenteeism


Total Absenteeism Savings


Number of Employees


× Average Annual Employee Salary


× Current Turnover Rate


× Employee Turnover Cost

38% of Salary

× Turnover Rate Reduction


Total Turnover Savings


Average Annual Employee Salary


÷ Workdays Per Year

240 Workdays

× Days of Onboarding

90 Days

× Increment of Value


Onboarding Savings / Employee


Avg. Growth Rate


× Number of Employees


New Positions / Year


Current Turnover Rate


× Number of Employees


Replacement Employees / Year


Onboarding Savings Per Employee


× Total Employees Onboarding


Total Onboarding Savings / Year


Start Saving

Frequently Asked Questions

Got more questions? Email us at support@allvoices.co and we'll respond ASAP.

View All FAQs
How do I calculate the ROI of employee engagement?
How are Employee Engagement Savings Calculated? 
Why is employee absenteeism linked with disengagement?
How can attrition and turnover affect your bottom line?
How does employee engagement affect your bottom line? 
Why should you expect a turnover rate reduction?
What is the increment of value in the onboarding section representative of?

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