Track First Impressions with an Onboarding Survey

First impressions matter, especially with the current state of the workplace. Make sure that your first impression of new employees is a successful one.
Use Template
What will this use case accomplish?
Create an onboarding experience that is efficient, thorough and sets your new employees up for success.
Why Is This Issue Important?
Onboarding a new hire is one of the most important events of recruiting and retention that sets the stage for the new hire. Be sure that your onboarding experience is well organized, clear, and concise because your first impression needs to be the best impression.
How Will AllVoices Solve This Issue?
AllVoices is a user-friendly and completely anonymous tool that encourages employees to share feedback openly and honestly. We work with our customers to make sure that their employees, both current and new, understand and utilize AllVoices throughout their employee experience, leading to regular usage and vital data collection.
Template Questions
  • How would you rate the onboarding process overall? (1-5)
  • I have been provided adequate materials by HR onboard as seamlessly as possible. (Not true- Very true, scale)
  • I have been given adequate support from my peers to onboard as seamlessly as possible. (Not true- Very true, scale)
  • I have been given adequate manager or leadership support to onboard as seamlessly as possible. (Not true- Very true, scale)
  • I feel COMPANY has met my expectations. (1-5)
  • I feel excited about what lies ahead for me in my position.  (Not true- Very true, scale)
  • I can see a growth path for me at COMPANY. (1-5)
  • I feel COMPANY represents their stated mission or values. (1-5)
  • Do you feel that your onboarding experience affirmed that you made the right decision in joining our organization? (1-5)
  • Please detail anything that went wrong during the onboarding process or any challenges you've had thus far. (Short answer)
  • If you could add anything to the onboarding meeting, what would it be? (Short Answer)
Onboarding a new hire is one of the most important events of recruiting and retention that sets the stage for the new hire. Be sure that your onboarding experience is well organized, clear, and concise because your first impression needs to be the best impression.
Create an onboarding experience that is efficient, thorough and sets your new employees up for success.
Template Questions